Complex Recovery In Mint Hill

“Have you tried everything to find relief for your Complex pain, but feel let down?”
Don’t Sacrifice The Lifestyle You Desire In Mint Hill Over Problems That Can Be Fixed.
A Message From ComplexPain Expert Dave Reed, owner of Origin Rehab:
- Do you find yourself worried over Complex pain that doesn’t go away no matter how much stretching you do?
- Are you frustrated that icing it, taking pain pills, or seeing a chiropractor hasn’t helped?
- Do you have trouble keeping up with your daily routine and feel worn down from the constant pain?
- Are you still looking for a long-term solution so you can get a good night’s rest and wake up with no Complex pain?
- If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, then rest assured, You Are In The Right Place!
Many people suffer unnecessarily from Complex pain because they’re often told…
- To “rest it” and it’ll be fine (then months later they’re still suffering…)
- That their Complex pain is “normal” with age
- If they take some pills then everything will be fine.
- Surgery or injections are the only options available.
The Truth About Complex Pain Is:
Resting doesn’t change anything. You may feel temporary relief, but as soon as you’re active again you’ll find yourself still suffering from Complex pain and stiffness (I bet you’ve already experienced it!)
It’s not normal to get Complex pain as you get older!
Pain pills are addicting, dangerous, and can cause a lot of other problems for your body.
Surgery and injections are not the only options for Complex pain. They’re just the only option(s) you’ve been given.
“We Help Adults Get Back To An Active Lifestyle Even If Past Treatments Have Failed”
It can be very confusing to decide exactly what you should do if you have Complex pain. You’ve likely heard a lot of well-intentioned advice or options such as…
- A family member telling you to give up the activities that are giving you pain
- A colleague mentions giving yoga a try
- To watch the “experts” on YouTube recommend a specific exercise or stretch
- A friend suggested getting a deep-tissue massage
- All the while hearing doctors tell you that surgery is the only option
It’s overwhelming to make a decision when there are so many options available. You may ask yourself, “What will happen if I make the wrong choice?”
It’s normal to feel stuck when trying to make a decision on what to do about your Complex pain.
You might go days, months, or even years without taking action. This indecision just prolongs your pain and keeps you from the life you desire. We understand your concerns and we’re here to help you take that first step in getting the relief you need!
When It Comes To Complex Pain Treatment…
You must choose the right provider for your Complex pain. If you don’t, you could end up getting an unnecessary and dangerous surgery or being dependent on addicting painkillers for the rest of your life.
Getting the “least-invasive” and most natural treatment is VITAL to stopping your Complex pain and keeping it from ever coming back.
To do that, you’ll have to not only treat the pain, but also have a provider who is willing to figure out WHY the Complex pain happened in the first place. That’s when you’ll get a PERMANENT solution to your problems.
At Origin Rehab, We’ve Created a 3-Step Process to Relieve Your Back Pain and Make Sure It Doesn’t Come Back Again!
At Origin Rehab Physical Therapy, we understand that every single person’s pain is unique, which is why our first step is to get a deep understanding of what is happening to your body, and how it is affecting your life so we can create a plan that focuses on YOU and your goals.
1. Put Out the Fire
We’ll take you through a complete one-on-one physical therapy evaluation and identify the cause of your problem. Then we’ll explain what must be done to get you back to full speed and back to the activities you enjoy.
2. Address the Root Cause
We’ll develop a treatment plan that will be tailored specifically to you and your goals. This will ultimately allow us to get you stronger, pain-free, and on track to reach your goals more effectively and efficiently.
3. Thrive Instead of Survive
Once we get you back to moving pain-free, we’ll implement strategies to get you performing at an even higher level. We’ll also implement strategies to “bulletproof” your body to decrease the likelihood of future injuries occurring.
Our Complex Pain Treatments In Mint Hill Will:
- Improve your short-term Complex pain compared to other treatments you’ve tried before.
- Save you money from expensive, conventional medical treatments.
- Reduce your Complex pain symptoms quickly and help you start living the life you desire.
Our Complex pain physical therapy services are performed by licensed professionals, trained to give only the best and most reliable Complex pain treatment to our clients.
At Origin Rehab, you’re in great hands.
You don’t have to sacrifice the activities you love over problems that can be fixed. Come in today and let us help you achieve a pain-free life once again!
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