At Origin Rehab we’ve been helping people improve their health for years and will continue to bring you speakers who are experts in their field who can help you improve your health and ability to...
Tips for Avoiding Back Pain While Driving This Season
There’s something about driving, isn’t there? The long roads, the beautiful landscapes, great music on the stereo, and back pain. Wait, what? Back pain? Yes, that’s right. While we all love taking...
3 Causes of Hip-Pain Unrelated to Injuries
We’ve all been there… our hands clutching at our thighs in the hope of relieving hip-stress as we get up or sit down; a grimace on our faces as we try to grapple with what we think are signs of...
Falling: Facts Behind the Fear
If you generally step more gently as you go down the stairs, hold the hand-railing a little bit tighter, and take careful note of where your feet land next… you’re not alone. The vast majority of us...
FORE! Shoulder Pain and Playing Golf
Golf… it’s a sport that calls to mind beautiful Saturday mornings, a cold beer at the club after a great 18-hole day, and that elusive birdie you’ve been trying to get for years. And while this all...
The Origin of Origin
We are well under way on our journey and thought many of our readers would enjoy hearing the origin of Origin Rehab. We believe that we are adding something special to our Mint-Hill, Matthews and...
Stability: A Balancing Act
Winter is here! Most of us have stocked up on firewood, cocoa, marshmallows, and blankets as we lay in wait for all the cold weather. We’ve even turned up the heating and removed grandma’s special...
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