Won't stop setting records! Our very own Dr. Ryan McFarland was recently invited to speak at a local community providing practical fall prevention strategies. His talk, Not Your Grandma's Fall...
Fast Tests for Predicting Fall Risk in Older Adults
Falls in older adults are a problem. A big problem. According to the latest estimates, 1 in 4 Americans over the age of 65 will fall this year because of their age alone. The likelihood increases to...
Preventing Back Injury in Caregivers: How to Help Getting Out of a Chair
You are a caregiver, a giver of care. You are a member of a community who intentionally sets their needs aside to address the needs of others. This is a noble calling. However, I’m going to keep the...
Preventing Falls in the Elderly and 65+ Adult Population
With recent celebrity deaths linked to falling, we wanted to highlight the risks and dangers of falling in senior adults. Even more important, we wanted to help you move beyond being afraid of...
Falling: Facts Behind the Fear
If you generally step more gently as you go down the stairs, hold the hand-railing a little bit tighter, and take careful note of where your feet land next… you’re not alone. The vast majority of us...
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